Dr André Berger uses new techniques to improve the daily life of patients suffering from diabetes.
For a personalised approach in line with your individual situation with Dr André Berger.
We treat all types of specific bone pathology. Make an appointment for quick diagnosis and treatment.
Dr André Berger uses new techniques to improve the daily life of patients suffering from diabetes.
For a personalised approach in line with your individual situation with Dr André Berger.
We treat all types of specific bone pathology. Make an appointment for quick diagnosis and treatment.
Dr André Berger uses new techniques to improve the daily life of patients with diabetes.
Opening hours of the medical practice :
From Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 17:00.
Appointments via the secretariat, open EVERYDAY, Monday to Friday
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André Berger
Place des Perrières 3,
1296 Coppet
Opening hours
André Berger
Place des Perrières 3,
1296 Coppet